Services Offered 13. Temporary Administrative Staff Businesses have, historically, utilized temporary employees for clerical and professional positions but not for executive positions. The purpose of these individuals was to meet seasonal or temporary demand. With the recent emphasis on downsizing, healthcare facilities often find themselves short of administrative staff when a non-anticipated project becomes critical. There are currently a number of corporations which provide a stable of healthcare executives to meet these temporary demands. While I applaud these new businesses, I believe that these individuals are available without the middleman. These individuals are the healthcare administrative 'consultants'. M.L. Schwartz & Associates has the ability to place capable individuals directly into an executive position (CEO, COO, Administrator, Vice President of Planning and/or Marketing) and carrying out the required tasks of that position until a permanent replacement can be obtained. This is particularly helpful when a resignation and/or termination has occurred and the responsibilities of that position cannot be ignored until the replacement is hired. This allows for a complete, unrushed search process without the pressure of having an unfilled position. Additionally, when a hospital requires immediate assistance for specific tasks, M.L. Schwartz & Associates is available to assist for the duration of that need. This is the most helpful in situations where the required tasks are of a temporary nature and the position need not be filled on an ongoing basis. Some examples of this would include: a) Conducting board retreats. « Back to 12. Educational Seminars | Services Offered Index | Continue to 14. Surveys » |
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