
Education and Skills
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Basic Credentials
  • A strong financial background gained from over 40 years of administrative experience

  • Extensive construction experience including:
    • opening two hospitals as an administrator
    • purchasing the sites and handling the planning, construction, and equipping of three hospitals
    • lead consultant for approximately two billion dollars of construction projects including the replacement of an entire hospital
    • lead consultant developing the plans for the replacement of a 181-bed patient tower
    • lead consultant involved with numerous facility and site plans
  • Ability to work effectively with multi-disciplinary groups, employees, medical staff members, and the community

  • Development of more than 30 comprehensive physician attitude surveys including personal interviews of more than 1,000 physicians, 250 board members, 300 hospital executives, and 600 department heads

  • Development of more than 20 strategic plans

  • The preparation of more than 200 Certificate of Need (CoN) applications

  • Development of more than 20 facility plans and the review of more than $2 billion of new construction and renovation projects involving more than 100 facilities

  • Conducting educational seminars for hospital department managers related to equipment acquisition, facility planning, time management, workflow, physician relations, Joint Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, etc.

  • Manpower and operational studies leading to significant reductions in departmental costs

  • Market research and market share analysis by product line leading to increased census at more than 25 hospitals

  • Successful litigation support to more than 100 hospitals involving projects totaling more than half a billion dollars

  • Providing educational seminars to the sales forces of Fortune 500 medical equipment companies and assisting them with sales

  • Leading medical staff and board retreats

  • Conducting hospital staff, medical staff, board of directors, and community surveys

  • Education in the use of hospitalists and physician extenders to reduce the facility’s average length of stay (ALOS)

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