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Services Offered

14. Surveys of Staff, Board, or Community

The intent of the survey is to enhance the satisfaction level with the facility of those individuals who are surveyed. These surveys seek to develop a competitive edge, thus increasing the likelihood in a competitive market that the individual surveyed will select the client's facility.

The attitude survey is the key tool utilized by M.L. Schwartz to provide administration with a better understanding of the facility's market position. Additionally, the survey is utilized to:

  • Improve the relationship between the facility and the individuals surveyed.
  • Provide a forum in which the individual surveyed feels safe to express their true feelings.
  • Provide administration with credible information on which to develop its strategic plans, as well as its equipment and capital expense budgets.
  • Provide direct responses to surveyed individual's needs delineated in the written portion of the survey during the personal interview process that follows.
  • Test the waters to concepts administration and/or the board might wish to implement with the interviewer taking the heat rather than the administration when the concept is ill received.

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