Services Offered
11. Capital Equipment Assessment and Aquisition
- Executive management staffs do not have all the information necessary to accurately determine the imaging equipment needs of the hospital
- Department Directors do not have all the information necessary to accurately assess changes in their delivery system
- Excess duplication of equipment is typical
- The costs of equipment maintenance agreements are not minimized
- Alternative imaging equipment to meet specific needs are not fully explored
- Staffing efficiencies do not account completely for changes in the delivery system
- Hospitals do not take the necessary steps to compete with free standing facilities
- Patients remain in the imaging department to long
- Optimize capital equipment expenditures to achieve the greatest value
- Reduce the cost of equipment maintenance
- Increase the facility’s ability to compete with free standing imaging centers
- Provide services sensitive to the needs of both the inpatients and outpatients
- Eliminate staffing inefficiencies
- Improve the morale of the medical imaging department
- Improve the relationship of the medical imaging department with other departments and with physician office staff
- Provide the medical imaging management team with better assessment tools to allow the department to maintain the efficiencies resulting from this project
- Provide the CEO, COO and other top administrators a better set of measures for the department such that they are better able to evaluate the necessity of future medical imaging requests
Expected Results:
M.L. Schwartz and Associates will evaluate the existing system and will provide:
- The executive management with the necessary basis for reaching more cost effective decisions with regard to the acquisition of imaging equipment
- The imaging director with the necessary system information to better manage their departments
- The information necessary to reduce excess equipment duplication
- The information necessary to reduce the costs associated with equipment maintenance
- The information necessary to avoid the selection of inappropriate equipment which is more costly than the needed equipment
- The information necessary to modify staffing patterns which results in reducing the costs associated with staffing while improving the delivery time associated with the rendering of the care
- The executive management staff with the information necessary to attract additional patients
- The information necessary to reduce the time spent by patients in the imaging department
- A reduction in the overall expenditures related to the acquisition of imaging equipment
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